Welcome to "Crubba.se"

Internet, magazines, TV and books all over the world present an overwhelming amount of recipes and tips for meals and this gigantic source of information grows all the time. Something that doesn't grow as fast is solutions benefiting from digital development to facilitate home cooking as a part of our everyday life. This is something we at CRUBBA want to change!
Imagine a personal chef who knows exactly what kind of food you and your family like, who assist you when you plan & prepare your meals and who can also suggest recipes based on what you have available at home or what you find at a discount in your food store. Here you have the target for what CRUBBA develops!
When we succeed with this we hope CRUBBA users spend some of the time they save thinking about what they eat and how their food came on their plates in a sustainable way. We hope you are as thrilled about this as we are and you are most welcome to join us on this journey! 
Please contact us at: info(at)crubba.se
Best regards
CEO Crubba